Funny Sayings

FIVE WAYS TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY:1. Don't ask for money!2. Never ask him for money!3. I say forget about asking for money!4. Don't even think about money!5. Reject when he gives you...

A foremost Political Party in Nigeria, popularly referred to as "The Ruling Party", requires for immediate appointment into the House of Representatives, a qualified Hooligan with...

TEACHERS wish you are born stupid. AUTO-MOBILE ENGINEERS wish your car breaks down.DOCTORS wish you are sick.CASKET MAKERS wish you dead.DENTISTS wish you have teeth decay....

The patience you exercise when your Blackberry hangs, please use it in relationships.The Toilet, best place to eat stolen meat.Time Heals everything, well except Yoruba tribal...

Five Ways to Catch a Tiger!American Police Style: Allow the tiger to catch you, then you catch the tiger.China Police Style: Chase the tiger until it becomes tired, then you catch...

Money has different names:1. When you owe someone (DEBT)2. In church it's called (OFFERING)3. When you borrow from the bank (LOAN)4. When you offer after a service (TIP)5. In...

1. If your boyfriend/girlfriend always tells you, "baby, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" he/she is lying, some beauty are so obvious, everybody sees it, not the beholder...

1. Are you on WIFI? Because I can feel a connection. 2. Are you tired? You've been running on my mind day and night...

GIRLFRIEND: And are you sure you love me and no one else?BOYFRIEND: Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday.WAITER: Would you like your coffee black?CUSTOMER: What...

Dangote's daughter cheated on me and you say I should break up? Don't you know that Love is all about forgiveness. Beloved sisters in the Lord, if your boyfriend can finish 5...
