Funny Sayings

World's Shortest Joke Ever! Three women sitting outside quietly.

Question 1. Who is a gynecologist? Answer: He is the only fool on earth who looks for problems in a place where others find pleasure. Question 2: What is the difference between a...

Your Facebook Status Updates By 2050.1. Ouch my back is very painful!!! 2. These gray hairs. WTF!!! 3. My Grandchildren are coming to visit me. Huh! Feels so good!. 4. Anybody...

5 ways to make a lady LOVE you more.1. Give her Money2. Keep giving her money3. Dont forget to give her money4. Just continue giving her money.5. Never even think of not giving...

You Know Your Mother Is A Nigerian... When you say, "Mummy, I'm Sorry!" And she replies, "Sorry for yourself!" When you ask her where you should drop something and she says, Drop...

These 7 thoughts came to my head...1. When you use your hand to tickle yourself, It doesn't shock or make you laugh2. Ever wonder what will happen if a male Goat and a female...

Recently, I was diagnosed with old age disease - Age Activated Attention Deficit DisorderThis is how it manifests:I decide to water my garden.As I turn on the hose in the driveway...

Where is the cat in the catwalk? Do models walk like cats?If man evolved from apes why do we still have apes?Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one?If an orange is...

Dont make a woman cry! There is nothing as expensive as a womans tears. When a single drop of tear comes out, it first mixes with Loreal Eye Liner; 7,500 Naira and Revlon Mascara...

That moment... You take out your last 1000 Naira note on you for the month to get foodstuffs only to discover that rat had chopped off Dr. Clement Isong's head. You spend 1.5...
